Treptat, treptat, toți preiau Platforma electorală a PNL

Intelepciunea lui AntonescuPliant B5 2014 Platforma IT cs6Pliant B5 2014 Platforma IT cs6După ce – la două zile după publicarea Platformei PNL, în care figurează mai multe priorități importante pentru integrarea românească a celor două maluri de Prut, inclusiv posturi comune la frontiera de pe Prut – lib’ralii au făcut o conferință de presă, în care au vocalizat ca propriu acest punct din programul național-liberalilor.

Mai târziu apare și sloganul ”acelorași” – cu NATO -, pe care PNL l-a promovat dintotdeauna, asumat prin Programul politic, slogan nesincer vehiculat de lib’rali și ușor abandonat când a început să miroase a treucă.

Apoi, amicul lib’ralilor, Eugen Tomac, a vehiculat un alt punct din Programul PNL – ideea cu un Minister al integrării românești, pe care național-liberalii l-au văzut ca pe unul, din partea RM, ca motor al omogenizării românești în paralel cu implementarea Acordurilor asociative cu UE.

În sfârșit, apare Ambasadorul Lazurcă, încă neretras din al doilea stat românesc, spunându-ne că ”Republica Moldova și România ar putea avea un control comun al frontierei, așa cum se practică în UE”.

Bravo, dublu! Bravo receptivilor la ideile național-liberalilor – bune și imperative. Bravo, care vede lucrurile corect, care oferă idei și propuneri preluate de cei ce ”nu observă, în mod obstinent, rolul PNL în toate acestea…”

Dar asta mai puțin contează. Contează că ne vede Cel de Sus, care îi vede și pe cei fără bun-simț-ul național-liberal.

Nu mai spunem de ideile PNL și ale Consiliului Unirii, legat de pedepsirea penală a extremismului, de neconstituționalizarea neutralității, preluate de întreg Parlamentul sau numai de lib’rali, care au și depus sesizare la CC, de alte idei.

Nu mai amintim că Ucraina aplică exact Platforma PNL – pentru că, spre deosebire de R.Moldova, iată că Ucraina se mișcă înainte, spre Europa, nu se întoarce în URSS. Fiind vorba de scoaterea comuniștilor în afara legii și scoaterea lor din politică (”ai noștri” îi bagă la Putere); de adoptarea Legii Lustrației (la noi acest lucru ar spulbera Puterea actuală), în a cărei lipsă PNL câștigă procese-precedent în justiție în RM și la CEDO; de demararea procedurilor de ieșire din CSI (de care șantajabilii ”noștri”) nu se ating, să nu supere Ursul, dar care este un obiectiv al PNL, impus spre discuție în Parlament și prin efortul PNL.

Și tot așa…

Vitalia Pavlicenco  

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  1. Maresalul Ion Antonescu…..e clara situatia.


    Ion Antonescu’s responsibility for the death of the Jews of Bessarabia, Bukovina, and
    Transnistria is beyond debate. And yet, the survival of the Jews from Walachia, Moldavia, and
    southern Transylvania was due to his decision in fall 1942 to postpone indefinitely the
    deportation of Romanian Jews to Poland. During his trial in 1946, Antonescu asserted that “if
    the Jews of Romania are still alive, this is due to Ion Antonescu.”1
    Additionally, others have
    cited his contact with Jews as a mitigating factor.2
    But, in general, Ion Antonescu was dominated by his loathing of Jews and Judaism. He
    revealed this hatred at a session of the Council of Ministers on April 15, 1941: “I give the mob
    complete license to massacre [the Jews]. I will withdraw to my fortress, and after the slaughter, I
    will restore order.”3
    This was a rather accurate prediction of what was to take place in Iasi
    shortly thereafter. In numerous instances Antonescu personally instigated specific antisemitic
    steps adopted by the Romanian fascist state: on June 19, 1941, Antonescu ordered the closure of
    all “Jewish communist cafés” and the completion of lists—region by region—of all “Jidani,
    communist agents, and [communist] sympathizers”; the Ministry of the Interior was to “prevent
    them from circulating” and to prepare “to deal with them” when Antonescu gave the order;4
    as early as June 21, 1941, Ion Antonescu ordered that all able-bodied eighteen- to sixty-year-old
    Jewish men in the villages between the Siret and Prut Rivers be removed to the Tirgu Jiu Camp
    in Oltenia and to surrounding villages. Their families and all Jews in oth

  3. satanic Axis-ADOLF HITLER and ION ANTONESCU

    600.000 ROMANIAN TROOPS exterminated in USSR front by ION ANTONESCU 30.000 ucrainian orthodox executed by Nazi SS german troops in Transnistria gypsies and jews killed.

  4. Pt Puscasu Vlad

    De ce exgerezi? Adica, vrei sa spui ca niciun citat din Antonescu nu poti reproduce, pentru ar iesi ca esti antisemit? Eu resping foarte categoric aceasta abordare exclusivista, incorecta si discriminatorie. Omul a spus corect despre clasa politica si se potriveste minunat ambelor gasti politice de pe malurile Prutului.

  5. Platforma o preiau,dar când vine de votat PNL, votează pentru „partidele cu șanse”. Minte de „maldavan”… Vai de capul celora ce îndrumeză electoratul să facă așa „alegere”…Rușine să le fie… Merită în continuare să fie frăieriți de „noua-vechea” cualiție de la guvernare…Mai ales acei „reprezentanți ai societății civile”, ce o făceau pe „pragmaticii” când în campania electorală rosteau „analize-pledoarii” pentru ca alegătorii să-și îndrepte votul spre „partide cu șanse”…Iată acum „negociatorii” îi fac pe „pragmaticii” când le cer să le facă publice rezultatele negocierilor…Parcă văd ce rezultate „strălucite” ne vor aduce aceste negocieri la jumătate de an de la realizarea rezultatelor lor… Vom mai avea destule prileje de „„mulțumit” celora ce ne-au „îndrumat” să mai alegem o dată partidele corupte și incompetente proeuropene.

  6. nu cred ca ion antonescu cu litere mici a fost ,,erou national,,

    A lasat in urma SUTE DE MII de morti,raniti,disparuti.

    Romani,iudei, ucraineni,rusi…..

  7. Cea mai mare groapa comuna din istoria umanitatii e la Balti in Moldova,unde au murit zeci de mii de evrei si ucraineni.

  8. Pt Puscasu Vlad

    Unde e scris aici ca Antonescu e erou national? E scris ce a spus despre clasa politica fara sentimentul de patrie…

  9. si patria maresalului antonescu unde a fost? in orasul Stalingrad?

  10. Despăgubiri de 2,1 milioane de euro pentru victimele neonaziştilor
    DE D.D. • 21 DEC 2014 • 20:55Comenteaza
    Despăgubiri de 2,1 milioane de euro pentru victimele neonaziştilor 407
    Ministerul german al Justiţiei a acordat 2,1 milioane de euro despăgubiri sutelor de victime ale violenţelor comise de neonazişti, relatează AFP.
    Peste un milion de euro în total vor primi persoanele vizate de direct de actele “Clandestinităţii naţional-socialiste” (NSU), o grupare a cărei descoperire în 2011 a şocat întreaga Germanie.
    NSU este cresponsabilă de asasinarea a zece persoane, în principal imigranţi turci în perioada 2000-2007. Beate Zschäpe, membră a grupării, este judecată de mai multe luni la Munchen (sud).
    Potrivit Ministerului german al Justiţiei, începând din 2009, au fost prezentate 762 de solicitări de indemnizaţii pentru violenţele comise de extrema dreaptă, dintre care majoritatea provin din trei landuri din fosta Germanie de Est: Saxonia, Saxonia Anhalt şi Brandenburg.
    22 decembrie 2014 • 13:07 Răspunde

  11. Germany to pay $250 Million to child Holocaust survivors
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    Negotiators knew this would be the last chance for the German government to set this right.

    Child Holocaust survivors
    Child Holocaust survivors. (photo credit:REUTERS)

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    BERLIN – The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany announced last week that it had secured approximately $250 million from the German government to be paid to Holocaust survivors who were children at the time of the war.

    Beginning on January 1, one-time lump-sum payments of €2,500, or about $3,280, will be paid to the approximately 75,000 remaining Holocaust survivors all over the world in reparations for the psychological pain and suffering that they suffered as children as victims of the Holocaust.

    The amount is set to be paid to anyone who was born between January 1, 1928, and the end of the war in August 1945, and who was put into a camp or ghetto, went into hiding, or had to live under a false identity for at least six months.

    The agreement was announced just days after the conclusion of the Claims Conference’s first-ever symposium of Jewish child survivors.

    Hailing it as a “landmark agreement” that took a year of negotiation with the German Finance Ministry, the executive vice president of the Claims Conference, Greg Schneider, told The Jerusalem Post that these were some of the most difficult negotiations that the conference has ever held.

    “Many of the people who we’re speaking about were already receiving payments or pensions,” Schneider said. “So the German government was wary about double payments and giving additional payments to the same people.”

    Almost all of these child survivors received a onetime hardship payment or had been receiving pensions, said Stuart Eizenstat, the conference’s special negotiator for these sessions and the former US ambassador to the EU.

    Despite the government’s wariness, both Schneider and Eizenstat said that one of the key negotiating points was that fact that much of the trauma experienced as child can have a very late onset.

    “The suffering endured by these young Nazi victims, including devastating separation from parents at a critical time in a child’s development, as well as witnessing unimaginable atrocities, deprivation from proper nutrition, and a range of injurious experiences, has had a cumulative effect and are resulting in late-onset problems that only now are manifesting as physical and psychological symptoms in the survivor’s advanced age,” Schneider said in the Claims Conference statement.

    “This was a remarkable breakthrough in several respects,” Eizenstat said.

    “It’s the first time the Germans have ever paid people who have been paid by other funds. The Germans had a bright line not to pay people twice. We were able to convince them that there was a unique deprivation so that they could make an exception.”

    This was the first time that child survivors have been recognized as a special category of survivors, after “decades of trying,” he added.

    The agreement is still subject to approval by the Bundestag, which is set to either vote on it or put it to a committee in the next few weeks, Eizenstat said.

    Eizenstat and the other negotiators had been in discussions with German government “on and off” for more than a year.

    On Wednesday, August 27, Eizenstat sat down for a two-hour one-on-one session with German representatives, and then for another six-hour session the next day to hammer out details.

    “Given the advanced age of survivors, if we were going to do it, it had to be done now,” he said. “We’re losing them at a rate of eight per year.”

    Schneider, another one of the negotiators, said the whole process was imbued with a sense of finality, particularly as the number of people who were in what’s know as the “first circle” – those who were rounded up and put in ghettos – dwindles.

    “Everyone around the table, on both sides, knew that these years are the final opportunity for Germany to make a gesture,” he said.

    “No one is saying Germany hasn’t paid very larges sums of money, they have.

    No amount of money can make up for the suffering, but these are the final years.

    Any acknowledgment has to be done soon, and the conversations were infused with that knowledge.”

    “And honestly, it was palpable.

    You felt it [during the talks],” he continued.

    “It is a mixture of business and financial and moral and it’s all there. Sometimes it’s friendly, sometimes tense, always professional. Sometimes people shared personal stories, sometimes it was about big budget issues; it was a complicated combination of issues.”

    “I’m continually inspired by this, the second and third generation of the Germans, who step up and meet their obligations to the survivors,” said Eizenstat, who has been on negotiating teams for billions of dollars of claims against the German government in the past. “It’s a great testament to the German people.”

  12. ELVETIA-SWISS BANKS ofera DESPAGUBIRI evreilor,victime ale Holocaustului 1933-1945

    Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation
    Case No. CV 96-4849
    Swiss Banks Settlement Fund Distribution Statistics as of October 31, 2014
    (Amounts Approved and Paid by the Court)
    Funds Authorized∗ Funds Paid Approved Claimants
    Deposited Assets Class $726,272,177 $719,745,337 ≅ 18,096
    Looted Assets Class $254,868,313 $254,868,313 ≅ 236,128
    Slave Labor Class I $287,133,350 $280,212,703 198,023
    Slave Labor Class II $826,500 $696,448 570
    Refugee Class $11,600,000 $11,526,476 4,158
    Insurance Awards $1,464,786 $1,400,251 118
    Incentive Awards1 $575,000 $575,000 7
    Victim List Project2 $14,500,000 $14,500,000 n/a
    GRAND TOTAL: $1,297,240,126 $1,283,524,528 ≅ 457,100 claimants
    ∗ In connection with the reconciliation of the $1.25 billion Settlement Fund (and preparation of a final
    report), these statistics have been updated to set forth two categories of information: (1) “Funds
    Authorized”: amounts authorized by court order upon the Court’s review

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